

Marieke LouisĮditors & Producers: Amy Smith, Alma Rinaldi & Natalie Alexander European Journal of International Relations. (2018) The social-democratic roots of global governance: Welfare internationalism from the 19th century to the United Nations. (2021) International Organization as Technocratic Utopia. (2012) “La RSE négociée: règles du jeu et contenus. (ed.) (2013) The gloss of harmony: the politics of policy‐making in multilateral organisations. (2021) The Political Commissioner: A European Ethnography.


(2017) The politics of expertise in international organizations. xxv 294),” American Political Science Review. (1978) “The Functional Theory of Politics. (2014) “Depoliticisation as Process, Governance as Practice: What Did the ‘First Wave’ Get Wrong and Do We Need a ‘Second Wave’ to Put it Right?,” Policy and Politics 42, no. (2004) Rules for the world: international organizations in global politics. Lucile Maertens is Senior Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations at IEP / CRHIM, University of Lausanne. Marieke Louis is Associate Professor in Political Science and International Relations at Sciences Po Grenoble, PACTE, University Grenoble Alpes. Their argument is carefully constructed and very nuanced and they invite us to consider their whole book and to question everyday practices that may, as they say, “backlash”. Through current and historical case studies they examine behind the facades to reveal the common structures, mechanisms and logics of the depoliticization process at work and point to the unintended consequences and impacts on the very issues that IOs were created to address.



Install language packages for offline translation on mobile devices and download PROMT AGENT, a plugin for pop-up translation in any Windows app, with a PREMIUM subscription.Marieke Louis and Lucile Maerten’s book, Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World, draws on the extensive literature on functionalism and the related topic of technocracy, on anti-politics and bureaucractic multilateralism, and the wider, crosssectional research on expertise, knowledge and technicization, to systematically analyse and shine new light on the less explored topic of depoliticization.


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